Friday, January 20, 2012

OBJECTIVES AND HOMEWORK - WEEK 15 January 22-23, 2012

GRADE ONE — The Good Shepherd

  • Students will hear the story of the Good Shepherd
  • Students will see a presentation on the Good Shepherd
  • Students will understand that Jesus is our Good Shepherd

HOMEWORK: With someone at home complete the chart on What a Shepherd does; What
Jesus Does.

SAC PREP TWO - Between Jesus and Me—Celebrating Forgiveness

  • Children will understand that under no circumstances will the priest ever reveal what is told to him in confession.
  • Children will review basic concepts.
  • Children will review and practice going to confession.
  • Children will become familiar with another Biblical forgiveness story.

HOMEWORK: “Steps to Peace” sheet

GRADE THREE - The Miracles of Christ

  • Children will learn that Jesus performed many miracles to show that He is Savior of the world.
  • Children will become familiar with several of the miracles Jesus performed, including healing miracles and feeding miracles.

HOMEWORK: Parents should read pages 83 and 84 to their children. Children should be
able to answer (in their own words) Q78, 79 and 80.


  • Students will hear the story of how Jacob stole Esau’s blessing and how he was tricked when choosing a wife.
  • Students will learn that Jacob changed his name to Israel and that the Israelites were God’s chosen people.
  • Students will understand the importance of a blessing
  • Students will understand that God can turn anything to His purpose and be able to recognize the word Providence
  • Students will take an exam over the year’s studies so far and complete their report cards

HOMEWORK: Look up Romans 8:28 and discuss with your parents what this verse has to do with the story of Jacob. [God’s providence.] Use the words provided on the homework sheet as prompts and write sentences about the people we have studied this week.

GRADE FIVE - Liturgical Music

  • Children will meet one of our music ministers.
  • Children will become familiar with our organ and with how our music is selected
  • Students will see where the choir and ensemble members gather and practice for the Mass

HOMEWORK: Come prepared next week prepared to share: What was one thing you learned from the presentation about music? ALSO: Which hymn from Sunday Mass which was your favorite, at what part of the Mass it was used, and who played and sang it?

GRADE SIX - God’s Plan of Salvation

  • Students will understand the importance of the spoken word in Biblical times and explore our feelings about it today.
  • Students will become familiar with the continuing adventures of Jacob; Jacob’s ladder, his marriage to Leah and Rachel and how he wrestled with an angel.
  • Students will learn about the life of St. Martin de Porres

HOMEWORK - Read Genesis 29: 15-30. Write a synopsis of what occurs. Complete page 57 of the text if it was not done in class..

GRADE SEVEN - Reconciliation

  • Students will understand the difference between mortal and venial sin.
  • Students will have the opportunity to deepen their appreciation of the Sacrament of Penance.
  • Students will be familiar with the concept of “near occasion of sin”.
  • Students will understand that conscience must be informed.

HOMEWORK: Read Handout on Holy Orders.
Do an informal “Review of the Day” each night. Look at MASTER 16.1 for an idea of questions to use. Do a drawing illustrating one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

GRADE EIGHT - Called to Protect, Part 2

  • Students will learn what to do if someone tries to violate their boundaries
  • Students will know lots of different ways to respond and that they can respond in ways that fit their own personality
  • Students will be able to demonstrate several ways to respond if someone tries to violate their physical, emotional or behavioral boundaries.


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