Sunday, December 4, 2011

OBJECTIVES AND HOMEWORK - Week 10 - December 4-5

GRADE ONE - Creation

* Students will review the story of God’s creation of man.
* Students will learn how Adam and Eve lost their place in the garden by hearing a story, watching a video and reading the text.
* Children will recognize the term “Original Sin” as referring to the first sin committed.
* Children will understand that we no longer live in the Garden because our first parents sinned.
* Students will make their Salvation Booklets.

HOMEWORK: Read the Book without Words to your parents. Complete the “A Sad Story” sheet by coloring the picture and answering the question.

SAC PREP TWO - Sin, Temptation, Accident

* Children will be able to correctly use the words “forgive” and “sin”.
* Children will understand the difference between a sin, an accident and a temptation.
* Children will have practice recognizing behaviors as sins, temptations or accidents

HOMEWORK – Begin to memorize the Act of Contrition. (Parents, the version we ask the children to memorize should be glued into their texts.)

GRADE THREE - The Lord’s Day
  • Students will practice using the Bible by finding and reading the first three commandments from Exodus.
  • Students will think more about the importance of names, particularly God’s name
  • Students will be led by means of a book and project to think about God, and the joy of spending time with Him
HOMEWORK: With parents complete the worksheet “God’s Special Day”.

GRADE FOUR - Going to Confession

* Children will be familiar with how to go to confession.
* Children will have visited the confessionals if they are unfamiliar with them.
* Children will recognize the necessity of doing a penance.
* Children will understand the seal of confession.

HOMEWORK: If at all possible, children should go to confession before Christmas. Our regional Advent Penance Service will be next Sunday, Dec. 11, at 2 p.m. here at STA.

GRADE FIVE - The Liturgical Year

* Students will become familiar with the Liturgical Year and its Seasons
* Students will have the opportunity to use a Liturgical Year calendar

HOMEWORK: Explain the Liturgical Calendars to your parents.  Complete the puzzle on page 42D.

GRADE SIX - Abram's Call

* Students will all be familiar with God's call to Abram.
* Students will recognize that the Book of Genesis tells the story of God's creation, man's sin and God's promise of salvation.
* Students will nderstand that the "call/listen" pattern is frequently found in the Bible

HOMEWORK: No homework this week.

GRADE SEVEN - Mary, Prepared to Be the Mother of God

* Students will explore Mary, and become more familiar with the stories of the Annunciation and the Visitation.
* Students will be able to explain why Mary is called “Immaculate”.
* Students will complete their side of the report cards.

HOMEWORK: Complete the worksheet and do the take-home test.  Don't forget to go to Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception!

GRADE EIGHT - Sin is the Obstacle to the Reign of God

* Students will refamiliarize themselves with the story of Adam and Eve from Genesis
* Students will think about the effects of that original sin on relationships
* Students will become aware of some negative cultural values that lead to sin and think about how to combat them.
* Students will have the opportunity to meditate on their own sinfulness

HOMEWORK: Read pages 51-54. Complete the activity on page 55.  Prepare a one-minute talk on any aspect of Confession.

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