Saturday, November 19, 2011


GRADE ONE - Giving Thanks

* Various concepts already presented will be tied together with a Thanksgiving theme.
* Students will fill out report cards.
* Students will take an exam over what has been taught already this year.

HOMEWORK: Practice prayers! Parents – when you pray with your children this week, emphasize gratitude and thankfulness.

SAC PREP TWO - Jesus Forgives Us

* Children will understand that to be good friends of Jesus we must do our best to follow his
* commandments.
* The words “I’m sorry” will be presented as words that can heal broken relationships.
* Children will be presented with two or three stories of forgiveness in the Bible.
* Children will understand that when we fail to love we should say “I’m sorry.”

HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 9 in the Textbook and complete the worksheet.

GRADE THREE - Loving God Most of All; Two

  • Students will review, then take an exam over material covered so far this year
  • Students will complete report cards

HOMEWORK: Children should complete their own prayer using the “My Prayer” form.
Complete “The Way to Pray” if it wasn’t done in class.

GRADE FOUR - Our Forgiving, Loving God
• Children will explore two scripture stories of forgiveness - the Lost Sheep and the Prodigal Son
• Children will realize that God cannot forgive if we do not express our sorrow
• Children will recognize the importance of recognizing and admitting our sins, as well as doing our best to make amendment

HOMEWORK: Before we meet again, at least once pray to the Holy Spirit and go slowly over the Examination of Conscience on this sheet.
(Remind children that anything they think of is private. They would never have to discuss their sins with anyone but the priest.)

GRADE FIVE - Real Presence

  • Students will understand that the Last Supper was a Passover meal.
  • Students will understand that in the Mass we remember Jesus’ saving us through the Pascal Mystery.
  • Students will understand that the Mass is a sacrifice and a meal.
  • Students will understand that we believe Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist.
  • Students will learn the proper way to reverence the altar and genuflect before the Tabernacle

HOMEWORK: Students should complete reading in their text up through the exercise in the middle of page 29. They should respond to that question. They should also read page 32 which will prepare them for the activity the following week.

GRADE SIX - Adam and Eve

  • Students will understand three results of Original Sin
  • Students will become familiar with the story of Cain and Abel
  • Students will review how God showed Adam and Eve and Cain His merciful love.
  • Students will realize that God shows us merciful love through the Sacraments
  • Students will appreciate some further aspects of Baptism

HOMEWORK: Read and write about the poem on the worksheet. Can you think of a real-life
example of what the poet means? Write about it.

GRADE SEVEN - John the Baptist/Review

  • Students will explore John the Baptist, the last prophet preparing the way for Christ by looking in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew.
  • Students will view a word-for-word video presentation about John from the Gospel of Luke
  • Students will review material studied so far this year.

HOMEWORK: Complete the worksheet and review for the text next week.

GRADE EIGHT - The Reign of God: Jesus’ Mission

* Students will know that the Jews expected the Kingdom of God to be instituted by an actual King.
* Students will know that Jesus expressed two new ideas about God: 1) God is a loving Father and 2) God expects us to love everyone – even our enemies.
* Students will begin to understand what Jesus meant by saying that “The Kingdom of God is within us.”
* Students will explore how they can help bring about the Kingdom of God.

HOMEWORK: Explain that it is in silence that we can hear God speak to us. Even if we
don’t get an “answer” to prayer during the silent time, silence prepares us to hear God whenever and however He speaks to us. Have the students spend at least 5-10 minutes a day in quietness and silence every day until we meet again. 15-20 minutes would be better. Begin the prayer time by looking at the questions they have asked God in their journals. Ask God for some answers to the questions. If they feel they receive any answers or insights, they should write them down next to the question, as illustrated in the text. 

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