Saturday, March 20, 2010


GRADE ONE— Saint Patrick
  • Students will watch a video about St. Patrick
  • Students will learn that Patrick explained the Trinity by using a shamrock
  • Students will review the Trinity
HOMEWORK: Each child will receive a simple story of a saint. The child is to come back
next week and say who their saint is and tell something about him/her.

SAC PREP TWO - The Liturgy of the Word
  • Students will get a glimmer about what the Solemn first Communion Mass will be like.
  • Students will explore the Liturgy of the Word through use of the text and a video.
  • Children will play two listening games as a way of emphasizing how important it is to listen during Mass.
HOMEWORK: Children with their parent’s help should complete the worksheet on Sunday’s Mass

GRADE THREE - What Christ’s Death Accomplished
  • Children will begin to understand the results Christ’s sacrifice: 1. He reunited man and God. 2. He paid the price for our sins. 3. He opened the gates of Heaven.
  • Children will realize that people have been celebrating Mass since the time of Christ.
  • Children will take a look at the Introductory Rites at Mass.
HOMEWORK: With your parents complete the worksheet on the Creed.

GRADE FOUR - King David and King Solomon
  • Students will know several stories of King David including his meeting with Goliath, how he sinned by having Bathsheba’s husband killed and how he brought the ark to Jerusalem
  • Students will know that David wrote psalms and will read some psalms from the Bible
  • Students will consider why someone as faithful and good as David would sin so seriously.
  • Students will be introduced to King Solomon.
HOMEWORK: With a parent or someone at home, read in your Bible about some things that God told Moses a king must not do. You can find this in Deuteronomy 17:14-17. Then read about King Solomon in 1 Kings10: 23-11:2. Now write in a few sentences your opinion of Solomon.

GRADE FIVE - Communion
  • Students will more fully appreciate receiving Jesus in communion.
  • Students will recognize that “communion” means “come to union”.
  • Students will share bread and grape juice.
  • Students will practice receiving communion with unconsecrated hosts.
  • Students will understand that the most important part of the Mass is the consecration.
HOMEWORK: Complete page 66 if it wasn’t completed in class. Read page 69 about St. John Neumann.

  • Students will become familiar with Moses’ early life.
  • Students will be aware that the “narrow escape” aspect of Moses’ story may be historically true, or it may be a folk-history device to illustrate Moses being chosen by God – or something in-between.
  • Students will watch a video version of Exodus 3-4
HOMEWORK - Read Exodus Chapters 3 and 4. Complete the last three questions on the

GRADE SEVEN—Holy Spirit/Pentecost
  • Students will review the story of Pentecost and recognize that this is the first time the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles. They will identify Pentecost as the “Birthday of the Church”.
  • Students will become familiar with the outward signs by which the Holy Spirit was experienced in Scripture. They will understand that as humans we need to experience the Spirit in things we can see and touch.
  • Students will consider some of God’s creation (wind, fire, oil, water) and see how these things can give us hints of the blessings that the Holy Spirit can be in our lives.
  • Students will receive some preparation for later discussion of sacramental signs.
HOMEWORK: : Draw your own drawing of the Holy Spirit .

GRADE EIGHT - Called to Protect - Part Two
  • Students will know that there are lots of ways to respond when someone tries to violate their boundaries, and they can respond in a way that fits their own personality.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate several ways to respond if someone tries to violate their physical, emotional or behavioral boundaries.
HOMEWORK: Discuss what you learned with your parents.


  1. It is great that you have this blog for your Religious Education Program and communicating with parents. Do most of the students take time to do the homework? I really like that you have the homework, but my hesitation is whether or not students would actually do it. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for responding! Yes; I'd say most of them do the homework. As you can see the homework is not generally very time-consuming. Ordinarily they could do it in the car on the way to class! I actually wrote one time that I don't think that is a bad idea at all, because it helps children "warm up" for that week's lesson.

    I ask the catechists not to chastise children who don't do the homework, but to reward those who do - usually with a sticker, or some little privilege. And they always look over what the children submit, so the homework is dignified with the catechists' attention.
