Sunday, February 28, 2010


As an adoptive mom, this touched my heart.  How I hope my children can feel the joy of being loved. 

We are starting an Orphan Minsitry in our parish.  If you are interested, please contact me at 332-0064 or e-mail me at

OBJECTIVES AND HOMEWORK Lesson Eighteen - February 28, March 1

SAC PREP ONE— Love Others
  • Children will recall the two Great Laws of Love
  • Children will review three ways to love God (pray, day, say)
  • Children will understand that we can love others by giving them food, by visiting them, by being a good friend and by helping them.
  • Children will be presented with the story of the Good Samaritan and will have a chance to re-tell it
  • Children will complete their Love God, Love Others posters to take home
HOMEWORK: Parents and children should complete Quiz 16 together.

SAC PREP TWO - Jesus Feeds People
  • Children should be very clear that we are now beginning study of a completely different Sacrament.
  • Catechist will familiarize the children with a story where Jesus feeds people.
  • Children will taste unconsecrated hosts
  • New vocabulary: Eucharist, Holy Communion
  • Children will experience the unity that comes from eating together.
HOMEWORK: Complete page 75 if it was not done in class. Retell the “Loaves and Fishes” story to someone at home.

GRADE THREE - The Passion
  • Children will become familiar with the events of the Passion.
  • Children will be able to identify Judas, Peter, Pontius Pilate, Chief Priests
  • Children will be exposed to the terms, Passion, Scourging, Crucifixion
HOMEWORK: Have your parents or someone at home read Chapter 19 to you
and work with them to complete the worksheet.

GRADE FOUR - Moses and Passover
  • Students will put all of the Bible stories we have studied in chronological order and compare them with a Bible Timeline
  • Students will become more familiar with the story of Moses and the exodus from Egypt
HOMEWORK: Work with your parents and the text to complete the double-sided worksheet which reviews the story of the Exodus.

GRADE FIVE - Eucharistic Prayer
  • Students will become familiar with the Eucharistic Prayer.
  • Students will understand that the words of the Consecration are the words Jesus spoke at the Last Supper.
  • Students will recognize that we offer ourselves at Mass.
  • Students will review for next week’s exam.
HOMEWORK: Use the study sheet to prepare for the exam.

GRADE SIX - Joseph
  • Class will continue to explore the story of Joseph.
  • Students will be introduced the idea that Joseph “prefigures” Jesus and that this is another way to refer to Joseph being a “type”.
HOMEWORK - Page 68 in the text. If students need prompting they can look back in the text.
Use the sample test to study for the exam.

GRADE SEVEN - Acceptance of the Father’s Will
  • Students will review the Liturgical Calendar and the season of Lent.
  • Students will understand that Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (this year on February 21) and will be prompted to think about how they will spend their Lent this year
  • Students will become more familiar with the events of the Passion, through a video, an activity, reading and discussion.
HOMEWORK: Read the text, Chapter 19.

  • To awaken in the students the connection between Baptism and Confirmation.
  • To get students to begin to be aware of and discuss the wisdom, works and worship of the Catholic Church.
HOMEWORK: Think back over this year’s lessons (use the book as a reminder of what was covered). Make a list of things you have learned.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION - Parent Meetings on Eucharist

Your children are now beginning their preparation to receive their first Holy Communion! It is such an exciting time of year.

PARENT MEETINGS ON EUCHARIST: I know there are a lot of questions floating around, and concerns, so once again I will be holding a number of meetings where I’ll be available to speak with you in small groups. There are several sessions on the Sacrament of Eucharist scheduled for the next couple of weeks. At these sessions I will be discussing the children’s preparation for first communion and all the options for your child’s reception of first communion. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.

The sessions are scheduled as follows:

  • Sunday, March 7, 8:30 a.m. ( in Room 126 in the Middle School Wing of the School)
  • Sunday, March 7, 10:30 a.m ( in Room 126 in the Middle School Wing of the School)
  • Sunday, March 7, 5:00 p.m. ( in Room 126 in the Middle School Wing of the School) 
  • Monday, March 8, 4:30 p.m. ( in Room 126 in the Middle School Wing of the School)
  • Wednesday, March 10, 2 p.m. (in the Reconciliation Room in the church)
  • Thursday, March 11, 12 noon, (in the Reconciliation Room in the church.)

We highly recommend that at least one parent of each child who will be making his/her first communion attend one of these sessions. In families where one parent is not Catholic, we have found it more helpful for the Catholic parent to attend the meeting.

Each session will last approximately an hour. Please e-mail or call ahead (332-0064) to let me know you are coming. If you don’t attend one of the meetings, we will be sending a copy of the family handbook home with your child. Please call us if you don’t receive it by mid-March

If none of these sessions fit your schedule, or if you have particular concerns, I’m always happy to talk with you at your convenience in person or on the phone. Just let me know.

BAPTISM INFORMATION: So that your child’s first communion is properly recorded, we ask that you would return the blue information sheet regarding your child’s baptism. If your child was not baptized at St. Thomas Aquinas or St. John Church we will need a photocopy of your child’s baptismal certificate in addition to the completed information form. It is required that we have proof of baptism before a child can make first communion. [NOTE: If you do not receive a blue form, you can call and I will take the information over the phone]

NOTE TO PARENTS OF CHILDREN BAPTIZED AT SJ OR STA: When you fill out and return the information sheet regarding your child’s baptism you are helping us out a great deal. The information we request is exactly what we are required to record in the First Communion Ledger. While it is true that each child’s baptismal information is on record in the big books in the parish safe, it is a time-consuming and cumbersome procedure to extract it for so many children! Please fill this sheet out completely. We’ve noticed that some people neglect to put down their child’s age, for example. Yes, we can figure this out by looking at the dates, but doing this for so many children gets wearisome; that’s why your help is so appreciated.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Look at this sweetheart! This is Anna Skiba, a member of our preschool Catechesis of the Good Shepherd class. Why is she numbered? Well, isn't that a cute way of helping a little one learn how to make the Sign of the Cross? Children can look in the mirror in the classroom and practice!

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to the religious formation of children. It is rooted in the educational principles of Maria Montessori. Children gather in a room specially prepared and are provided with simple yet beautiful materials that they use to become more involved in Scripture and in Liturgy.
A few weeks ago we brought a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd technique into our first grade classes, inviting our CGS teachers to come to the first grades to tell the Good Shepherd story, itself, using the prepared materials that are so essential a part of this technique.

Children are intrigued by play...and as the story is told, using the materials, it appeals not only to auditory, but also to visual and kinesthetic learners.   In a regular CGS classroom, the materials are left available for the children to use to retell the story. 

We are fortunate to have two trained CGS teachers in our program:  Bernadette Leone is the head teacher in our CGS class; Ellen Campbell teaches a Fifth Grade session.  Additionally, we are blessed with a CGS teacher in the school - Gerie Ossman, and two future CGS teachers:  Amanda Venema and Amy Schneider are presently enrolled in the training program.  Amy is the assistant in our CGS class.  With luck next year we will get more teachers interested in training and we can expand our program.  If you might be interested in CGS, check it out more thoroughly here

Monday, February 22, 2010


Since East Lansing schools are closed today, there will be no Religious Education classes. 

If you would like to go over the lesson at home with your children, I'd be glad to e-mail you the lesson plan!  Just write me at:

Saturday, February 20, 2010



SAC PREP ONE— Jesus Teaches Us to Love God
  • Children will learn the two great Laws of Love (Love God/Love Others)
  • Children will begin to make a poster to remind them of these laws
  • Children will know three ways they can love God
HOMEWORK: Children should complete page 88 with their parents, and work on memorizing the Morning Offering if they have not yet done so.

SAC PREP TWO - Who is My Neighbor?
  • Students will learn the story of the Good Samaritan
  • Students will learn that God wants us to love all His people
  • The children will complete their report cards.
  • Students will make Valentines for homebound parishioners

GRADE THREE - Jesus and the Passover Supper
  • Children will review the Passover, and recognize that Jesus celebrated the Passover meal every year.
  • Children will identify the Last Supper as, not only the last meal Jesus had on earth, but as a Passover meal he had with his apostles.
  • Children will recognize the Last Supper as the first Mass.
  • Children will know that the priesthood was instituted at the Last Supper
  • Children will understand the way Jesus linked the Eucharist and service to others, through his washing of his apostles’ feet at the Last Supper. 
HOMEWORK: Complete the coloring sheet and review sheet.
GRADE FOUR - Joseph in Egypt
  • Students will re-tell the first part of the Joseph story
  • Students will see a video about Joseph in Egypt
  • Students will have the opportunity to review the important stories we have covered so far.

HOMEWORK Complete sheet on Joseph in Egypt if it was not completed in class.

GRADE FIVE - Our Gifts
  • Students will review the Introductory Rites and the Liturgy of the Word
  • Students will review the Offertory and Preparation of Gifts
  • Students will understand that through the gifts we offer at Mass we are offering the gift of ourselves
  • Students will understand that much of the Preparation of Gifts focuses on our gratitude
HOMEWORK: With someone at home read the story of St. Maximilian Kolbe on page 62 of the text. Complete the work on page 64.

GRADE SIX - Joseph
  • Students will be familiar with the life of Joseph.
  • Students will know that this story shows once again how God can bring good from evil.
  • Students will understand the meaning of providence.
HOMEWORK - Complete the worksheet for the next class.

GRADE SEVEN - Choosing Christ
  • Students will consider why people might have accepted or rejected Jesus
  • Students will realize that people still make those choices today
  • Students will become familiar with some of the sects that existed at the time of Jesus – Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots and Scribes.
  • Students will consider the Eucharist, which drove many from Jesus and see a short video on Eucharistic Adoration
HOMEWORK: Complete the “Will You Stay with Jesus?” sheet. Also, if not done in class, complete the worksheet.

GRADE EIGHT - Living for Love
  • To give students an opportunity to reflect on the action of the Holy Spirit.
  • To acquaint students with some events in the early Church – the appearance of Jesus on the Road to Emmaus and Pentecost.
  • To help students realize that discipleship is not always easy.
HOMEWORK: Be prepared to do a clear re-telling of the story of Pentecost in your own words. If you didn’t share your saint this week, be ready for next week.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


We were so pleased to see nearly all of our Sacarmental Prepration students at one of the two Celebrations of God's Forgiveness last week - despite the horrible weather!  Thanks to you wonderful parents who went out in the cold and snow to get your children to church!  Thanks also to Fr. Mark and Fr. Joe and all the loving priests who so kindly gave up their evenings to hearing our children's first confessions.

I was also really touched to see nearly every one of our catechists and school teachers present - at one or the other of our services.  What a beautiful display of support!

The best thing parents can now do is not wait too long before taking your child to confession again!  Lent is, of course, a very appropriate time to receive the Sacrament.  I think you will find, as I have, that taking your children to confession frequently truly helps them think more deeply about how they are acting.  This is a terrific parenting assist - take advantage of it!  Furthermore, if children go to confession frequently they get over the feeling of strangeness and discomfort (worrying more about how to celebrate the rite than the substance of it). 

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


We plan on having our Celebrations of God's Forgiveness tonight and tomorrow night, no matter what the weather.

We leave it up to you to decide whether venturing out would be prudent.  Many families live quite near one parish site or the other, while other families live far out into the country where roads may go unplowed - so you be the judge!

It is always possible for a child to make his/her first confession at any regularly scheduled confession time, or by appointment.


I have been trying to impress on children that doing a good Examination of Conscience is essential  for a good confession.

In class we talk about having a dirty face.  It won't do to try and rub here and there and hope you get the dirty spots off.  No - it is important to take a good look at your face so you can see clearly what needs to be washed.  In class we have a little image of a mirror - that mirror, we tell the children, is like the Holy Spirit.  Like a regular mirror would help you find the dirty smudges on your face, the Holy Spirit can help you find the dirty splotches on your soul.  That's why every Examination of Conscience is done with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Just as children are probably not that capable of washing their face or giving themselves a thorough shampoo at this age, neither are they able to do a good Examination of Conscience without help.  One help is a good set of questions, but the best help is a mom or dad or other adult who will lead the child in praying to the Holy Spirit, and then guide them in a systematic way through a thorough Examination of Conscience.

Here is a good one which I discovered on the internet.  A simpler one is available in the children's purple booklets, and a third is found in the parent handbook.  I am sure that many more excellent versions can be found on-line.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


SAC PREP ONE — Sin and Forgiveness
  • Students will add a purple page to the Book without Words
  • Students will know that next week the Season of Lent will begin
  • Students will take their second trimester test.
  • Students will fill out their report cards.
  • Children will recall the parable of the Good Shepherd.
  • Children will understand sin as choosing not to follow the two great commandments.
  • Children will understand being sorry as knowing we have not loved, and wishing we had made another choice
  • Children will understand that when we are sorry Jesus always forgives us
HOMEWORK: Complete the little activities on page 103 & 104 if not completed in class/
Discuss what Lenten practices you will be observing in your home.

SAC PREP TWO - Steps in the Rite of Reconciliation
  • Children will understand that celebration of the Rite of Reconciliation must begin at home with prayer to the Holy Spirit and an Examination of Conscience.
  • Children will do activities that will help them become more familiar with the steps of the Rite.
  • Children will hear a story about forgiveness.
HOMEWORK: Do the worksheet with someone at home.

GRADE THREE - Parables
  • Children will learn that Jesus told parables to teach us what God and Heaven are like.
  • Children will understand that parables are stories that make comparisons.
  • Children will become familiar with the Parable of the Forgiving Father, and the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
HOMEWORK: Students should write the “message” of the Parable of the Forgiving Father on the picture card. Retell the parable of the Forgiving Father (or Prodigal Son) and the Good Samaritan to someone at home.

GRADE FOUR - Joseph, Part One
  • Students will review the story of Jacob and how he got two wives and twelve sons!
  • Students will see a video about Joseph, leading up to his interpreting the Pharaoh’s dream
  • Students will explore this story as it appears in the book of Genesis.
  • Students will work together to complete a crossword puzzle.
  • Time permitting, students will improvise the story.

HOMEWORK: With your parents, read Chapter 6. Complete the worksheet.

GRADE FIVE - Liturgical Music

  • Children will meet and get to know our Director of Music, Clint Desmond
  • Children will become familiar with our organ and with how our music is prepared
HOMEWORK: Come prepared next week prepared to share: What was one thing you learned from the presentation about music? ALSO: Which hymn from Sunday Mass which was your favorite, at what part of the Mass it was used, and who played and sang it?

  • Students will understand the importance of the spoken word in Biblical times and explore our feelings about it today.
  • Students will become familiar with the continuing adventures of Jacob; Jacob’s ladder, his marriage to Leah and Rachel and how he wrestled with an angel.
  • Students will learn about the life of St. Martin de Porres
HOMEWORK - Read Genesis 29: 15-30. Write a synopsis of what occurs. Complete page 57
of the text if it was not done in class..

GRADE SEVEN - Reconciliation
  • Students will understand the difference between mortal and venial sin.
  • Students will have the opportunity to deepen their appreciation of the Sacrament of Penance.
  • Students will be familiar with the concept of “near occasion of sin”.
  • Students will understand that conscience must be informed.
HOMEWORK: Read Handout on Holy Orders.
Do an informal “Review of the Day” each night. Look at MASTER 16.1 for an idea of questions to use. Do a drawing illustrating one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

GRADE EIGHT - Living for Love
  • Students will see a video on St. Valentine and understand a bit better the challenge of life in the early Church.
  • Students will make St. Patrick’s Day cards for some homebound parishioners.
HOMEWORK: For next week, each student should read about the saint assigned to him/her, and be prepared to give a one-minute talk about that saint. Emphasize how this saint showed love.


Tuesday, February 9
6:30 p.m. in the main church at STA
Wednesday, February 10  
6:30 p.m. in the church at SJ

These two identical services are for all children in the Sacramental Preparation Program and their families. This is a sacramental penance service that will mark the conclusion of the children’s study of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The short service, which will include Scripture, a brief Examination of Conscience and the Act of Contrition, will conclude with individual confessions for both children and their parents. Several priests will be available each night.

• At each service it will be possible to go to confession behind a screen or face to face.
• At each site, one priest will be hearing confessions apart from, but in sight of participants; this may benefit children who wish to stay in sight of their parents.
• Parents have asked if they may accompany their child into the confessional. If parents wish, they may take their child into the confessional and introduce him/her to the priest; however confessions themselves, to be valid, must be private.

We make this a very age-appropriate experience for the children. The service itself will last only ten or fifteen minutes. After each child’s confession is concluded, and penances have been done (if appropriate), children may light a vigil light at the foot of the Pascal candle, and the family may go home.

The theme of the celebration is “Child of the Light”. We want the children to realize that they were created to reflect the Light of Christ.